Pezzullo says this bacteria may come from anywhere, including the surface of the toothpick itself, depending on if it was stored in a clean manner. This can create an open wound that is vulnerable to infection-causing bacteria. The pointy end of a toothpick makes it easy to puncture your gums or accidentally cut your mouth. But if broken pieces are particularly stuck, you may need to see a dentist or hygienist to properly and safely remove them. You may be able to carefully remove a broken toothpick by looking in a mirror or asking a friend for help. "If you are unable to remove the broken piece, you can cause more issues trying to do so by further lacerating the tissues and causing more inflammation or potential infection, which can be dangerous and painful," says Cheryline Pezzullo, DDS, assistant director of community-based programs and clinical assistant professor at NYU College of Dentistry. Broken or wedged toothpicks can lead to inflammation of your gums, particularly if it can't be removed as soon as possible.

A toothpick might break if it's poorly made or if you're using it too harshly. Toothpicks can break and get stuck in your gums. Here's why toothpicks may not be the best for your oral health: The toothpick can break, introduce bacteria to your gums, and damage dental work. Using toothpicks doesn't come without risks. Here's what you need to know about the risks of using toothpicks, as well as safer, dentist-approved methods of food removal. While toothpicks are handy and convenient, they may not be the most logical or safe choice when trying to get food out of your teeth. Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice. Toothpicks can also break, splinter, and get lodged in your gums. Rough and frequent toothpick use can damage existing dental work like fillings or veneers.

Hard wooden toothpicks are not ideal for cleaning teeth because they can cause gum damage that could lead to infection.